General queries FAQ's

  • What are the academic qualifications of the tutors?

    Our tutors have extensive experience in their respective fields. You can view each tutor’s full profile for detailed information on their academic qualifications.

  • To book a private session, visit the booking page on our website, select a suitable time from the available slots, and complete the booking through the provided form. A confirmation email will be sent to you after booking.

  • Our tutors offer specialized lessons in a variety of subjects. You can specify the topics you want to cover when booking your session.

  • Yes, you can modify or cancel your session before the scheduled time. Please contact us or use the link provided in your booking confirmation email to make any changes.

  • Yes, our tutors offer both group and online courses. You can check the schedule for upcoming courses on the courses page.

  • Absolutely, our tutors provide career and academic counseling to help you plan your academic or professional path. You can book a counseling session through the booking page.

  • You can reach out to the tutors through the contact form on our website or by sending an email to the tutor’s email address. We respond to your inquiries as soon as possible.

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